Oct 28. 2002. P. Rolland Balzon About Jakarta-Tomcat & Slide/WebDAV Summary . Introduction about slide . Introduction about WebDAV . Authentication when slide.war is deployed under webapps . Introduction about slide ############################################################### See very comprehensive Good Link : http://www.interlog.com/~bcholmes/geek/slide-home.html Notes about this links. ####### What is Slide Slide is a project with the Apache Software Foundation. The goal of Slide is to provide a content managment framework. This framework can be used to provide a consistent interface to a variety of respositories or data stores: JDBC databases, source code management repositores, document management repositories, file systems and others. The key industry standard interface that Slide exposes is WebDAV. Clients that currently support WebDAV can therefore save and retrieve content to these many diverse back-end repositories. Slide also provides an alternative API if you want to build a client with a more direct connection to the Slide repositories. ####### What is content managment First, let's ask: what is content? When most people refer to content, they mean stuff that resides on web servers. What do people put on web servers? Everything! We put web pages, documents, programs, audio files, movie trailers, and more on the web. Content management, therefore, is the process of managing stuff on web servers: +adding stuff to web servers +removing stuff from web servers when it's no longer needed +organizing (and reorganizing) that stuff in some meaningful way, and +keeping track of enough information about the stuff to figure out if it's still useful. . Introduction about WebDAV ############################################################### Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is a new Internet specification that extends the HTTP protocol. Before WebDAV, the HTTP protocol supported seven methods: GET (to get a page or other resource from a server); POST (to post data -- generally from an HTML form -- to the server); PUT (to put a resource onto the server); DELETE (to delete a resource from the server); OPTIONS (to find out which actions were support for a particular URL); TRACE; and HEAD. The most commonly used methods, today, are GET and POST. WebDAV 1.0 adds seven additional methods to the HTTP protocol: MOVE (to move a resource from one URL to another) COPY (to copy aresource from one URL to another) MKCOL (to create a new collection of resources -- like a directory or folder) PROPPATCH (to add properties to a resource or collection) PROPFIND (to getproperties from a resource or collection) LOCK (to lock a file so that no one else can change it while you're working on it) UNLOCK (to unlock the file) Soon, WebDAV will support: 1.Versioning This function will provide the ability to store important revisions of a document for later retrieval. Version management can also support collaboration by allowing two or more authors to work on the same document in parallel tracks. 2.Advanced Collections This function will provide the ability to add a "shortcuts" (or "symbolic links") to a collection; these links can point to any resource on the Web. Additionally, ordered collections allow a client to specify a persistent ordering of resources in a collection. 3.Access Control This function will control who can look at or change a given resource. . Authentication when slide.war is deployed under webapps ############################################################### First method: After TC4.1.12 installation, I have downloaded jakarta-slide-1.0.16.tar.gz. Copy -R all ./slide directory in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps and so on with Following Slide-How-to TomCat and http://jakarta.apache.org/slide/howto-tomcat.html Firstly, allow Slide to constrain users by uncommenting the security-constraint section in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/slide/conf/web.xml and $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/slide/WEB-INF/web.xml (remove the !-- and the -- in the security-constraint tags near the end of the file). Now configure your container to prompt users for login/password and assign roles. By default, $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/slide/conf/web.xml and $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/slide/WEB-INF/web.xml recognises roles "root" and "guest", so begin by assigning these. To assign users and roles with Tomcat, go to its conf directory and edit tomcat-users.xml. Add two extra lines: This part is ok.