P. Rolland Balzon About Java Decompiler April 2002. Decompiler Java: You have some class files, or jar containing class files, you looking for some tools which can reconstruct the sources files, java files. There exists many tools to do this, freeware or commercial. Here we present, JODE. JODE is a java package containing a decompiler and an optimizer for java. This package is freely available under the GNU GPL. See: http://jode.sourceforge.net/ Before we have installed: JDK-1.3 and jikes-1.17 In order to use it, we have downloaded : jode-1.1.1.tar.gz sourceforge project java-getopt-1.0.9.tar.gz http://www.urbanophile.com/arenn/hacking/download.html#getopt jode-1.1.jar sourceforge project After these preliminaries, I'm just reading docs on sourceforge project, so: 1. Add jode-1.1.jar and ./gnu class files (due to java-getopt-1.0.9.tar.gz) in your classpath 2. Test your installation, for example by the commande line interface : java jode.decompiler.Main --help 3. After you can use swing Interface by : java jode.swingui.Main Your_classes.jar That's all. In order to redirect the java files creation, you can use -d option like this: java jode.decompiler.Main Main.jar -d ./applet/ This line translate all class files containing in Main.jar on java files in ./applet directory. _______________________________ Note: jar is like tar, for example to compact all java files in a jarball, jar -cvf my_jar_ball.jar my_directory To extract file in a jar file use jar -xvf my_jar_file.jar _______________________________ April 2002.